Phormium 'Radiance'
Lantana 'Radiation'
Phormium tenax 'Rainbow Warrior'
Loropetalum chinese 'Rubrum'
Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pink Lady'
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Rosea'
Ficus elastica
Arctostaphylos rudis
Viburnum suspensum
Camellia sasanqua
Eriogonum arborescens
Native Plant
Pyracantha koidzumii 'Santa Cruz'
Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Sentinel'
Native Plant
Justicia brandegeeana
Rosa Shrub varieties
Crassula arborescens
Deutzia gracilis
Ribes sanguineum glutinosum
Native Plant
Dasylirion wheeleri
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Search Criteria:  Plant Type: Shrubs | Sun: Half Sun | Height: 3 to 6 Feet