Stone and Mulch
Deer Grass
Torch Lily
Blue Oat Grass
Shore Juniper
Tuttle Dwarf Natal Plum
Deer Grass

Common name:Deer Grass
Botanical name:Muhlenbergia rigens

The Deer Grass is a warm season perennial that forms dense clumps from the base. The spike-like flower stalks grow 2'-3' tall and this grass has striking foundation form. The Deer Grass is native to California, is drought tolerant, and is a beneficial insect plant.

Torch Lily

Common name:Torch Lily
Botanical name:Kniphofia hybrids

This perennial will grow to about 6' tall and has large green leaves with red, orange, and yellow flowers that bloom in spring, summer, and fall.

Blue Oat Grass

Common name:Blue Oat Grass
Botanical name:Helictotrichon sempervirens

The Blue Oat Grass is an evergreen, blue clumping grass that grows 12"-18" tall and wide. Its showy flowers are 1'-2' above the foliage. This plant looks good alone as well as in mass plantings. The blue oat grass likes dry hill sides and is drought tolerant.

Shore Juniper

Common name:Shore Juniper
Botanical name:Juniperus rigida conferta 'Blue Pacific'

This is the improved form of the Juniperus conferta, as the growth of this variety is more compact, with foliage that is a rich, blue-green color. Junipers are highly combustible plants.

Tuttle Dwarf Natal Plum

Common name:Tuttle Dwarf Natal Plum
Botanical name:Carissa macrocarpa 'Tuttle'

This spreading, low-growing sub-shrub will grow about 1'-3' tall and has small, glossy green leaves with delicate white flowers in spring and summer. The fleshy red fruit can be eaten fresh or used in jellies.

The Magic of Mulch

In the natural world the endless cycle of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth flows throughout the seasons. Plants die, leaves fall and new growth springs up in its place. Nothing is lost and the fallen leaves and dead plants decay into the soil, enriching it for the next generation of growth.

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Designer: Jared Silveira

Stone and Mulch

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.