Relaxing in Succulent Garden
Parasol Aeonium
Fancy Ruffles Echeveria
Echeveria hybrids
Tree Aloe
Baines Tree Aloe

Common name:Kleinia
Botanical name:Senecio mandraliscae

This succulent perennial will grow to about 1.5' tall and 2' wide. It has curved, bluish gray leaves that are about 3.5" long and very slender.

Parasol Aeonium

Common name:Parasol Aeonium
Botanical name:Aeonium arboreum

Parasol Aeonium is an upright succulent with rosette leaf clusters. It forms a mound and can be easily propagated by cuttings.

Fancy Ruffles Echeveria

Common name:Fancy Ruffles Echeveria
Botanical name:Echeveria 'Afterglow'

Echeveria hybrids are succulents that comes in numerous varieties and forms. It makes a wonderful accenting plant for beds needing contrast. This cultivar is pinkish in hue and has a rosette form..

Echeveria hybrids

Common name:Echeveria hybrids
Botanical name:Echeveria hybrids

Echeveria hybrids are succulents that comes in numerous varieties and forms. It makes a wonderful accenting plant for beds needing contrast. Cultivars come in various sizes and colors too various to list.

Tree Aloe

Common name:Tree Aloe
Botanical name:Aloe arborescens

This shrub is large, full of branches and produces deep orange blooms. The flowers produce a nectar that is attractive to many different birds; this plant is grown all over the world.

Baines Tree Aloe

Common name:Baines Tree Aloe
Botanical name:Aloe barberae

This slow-growing tree has a heavy trunk with forking branches. It produces 2'-3' leaves in rosettes and rose/pink flowers.

Permeable Surfaces

If you have impermeable paving that you would like to make permeable, there are two main methods for doing so:
1. Break up hard paved surfaces to create spaces for water to seep through.
2. Remove and replace the surfaces with permeable paving.

Click in the green box for more information

Designer: Anon

Relaxing in Succulent Garden

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.