Mediterranean Home and Garden
Climbing Rose
Yarrow Moonshine
Blue Beach Aster, Seaside Daisy
Canyon Prince Wild Rye
Beard Tongue
Dwarf Columnar Juniper
Blue Fescue
Slender Sedge
Compact Karo
Nodding Pincushion
Bush Anemone
Climbing Rose

Common name:Climbing Rose
Botanical name:Rosa Climbing varieties

With its dark green foliage and fragrant flowers with full and double blooms, this upright shrub is generally grown as a vine or pillar rose. Climbing varieties come in many colors.

Yarrow Moonshine

Common name:Yarrow Moonshine
Botanical name:Achillea 'Moonshine'

Pale yellow flowers appear to float on long, slender stems. Leaves are green to gray-green leaves, which are flatter and less divided than those of the Achillea millefolium. Yarrows propagate easily from rooted cuttings or division, which should be performed in the early spring or fall. Following bloom, one should dead head the plant and divide the clumps when it appears crowded.

Blue Beach Aster, Seaside Daisy

Common name:Blue Beach Aster, Seaside Daisy
Botanical name:Erigeron glaucus

This perennial will grow 1' tall and 1.5' wide. It has blue green foliage and lavender flowers that bloom in spring and summer.

Canyon Prince Wild Rye

Common name:Canyon Prince Wild Rye
Botanical name:Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince'

One of the best known and utilized native grass selections in Southern California, this beautiful, blue gray foliage spreads out 3'-4' or more. It will reach a height of 2'-3'. It rarely flowers. It does spread by rhizomes although not as vigorously as some closely related species. It can be extremely drought tolerant and care must be taken not to over water this species as it can rot from the center. Otherwise, it is carefree and requires virtually no maintenance.

Beard Tongue

Common name:Beard Tongue
Botanical name:Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'

The Border Penstemon is a showy perennial that remains 2'-4' high. It has light pink, tubular blossoms on long flower spikes from spring through the fall and is hardy to 15 degrees F. It is also drought tolerant, and attracts hummingbirds.

Dwarf Columnar Juniper

Common name:Dwarf Columnar Juniper
Botanical name:Juniperus communis 'Compressa''

This larger shrub will grow 12'-25' tall and has small, scaled, dark green leaves. Junipers are highly combustible plants.

Blue Fescue

Common name:Blue Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca glauca

This ground cover/grass will grow less than 1' tall and has small, blue green leaves.

Slender Sedge

Common name:Slender Sedge
Botanical name:Carex praegracilis

California native, rhizomatous. Native on alkaline soil. Low and adapted to a lawn use. Sun or shade. Somewhat drought tolerant. Will take some traffic. It is commonly found in meadows, open areas, marshes and wetlands.

Compact Karo

Common name:Compact Karo
Botanical name:Pittosporum crassifolium 'Compactum'

Pittosporum crassifolium 'Nana' is an evergreen shrub or tree. It can reach 25' tall and 20' wide in 8-10 years. Branches are densely clothed in gray green, with 1"-2" long leaves that have rounded ends. It produces maroon flowers in late spring.

Nodding Pincushion

Common name:Nodding Pincushion
Botanical name:Leucospermum cordifolium

This shrub will grow 4-6' high and as wide and produces beautiful coral blooms. It will do best in moderately moist soil and full sun.

Bush Anemone

Common name:Bush Anemone
Botanical name:Carpenteria californica

This CA native is a dense, clean evergreen shrub that grows 4'-8' high and 5' wide. It is tolerant of sun or shade. It has white fragrant flowers from May through August.

Managing Your Soil

Healthy soil is the cornerstone of a vibrant landscape. It provides oxygen and nutrients vital to plant growth and sustenance. It provides protection from the sun and stability for root systems.

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Designer: Carmichael Environmental

Mediterranean Home and Garden

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.